Friday, May 18, 2012

Don't Make these Marketing Errors...

Marketing can be very effective when executed correctly. However, like anything else, it can also be ineffective if done poorly. People and businesses tend to get frustrated when they feel they have dumped a lot of time and money into marketing and aren’t seeing Return-On-Investment (ROI) or the results they want. According to an article by Ryan Caligiuri in The Globe and Mail, you can put all the money and time in the world into marketing and still fail to see results if you don’t remember one thing: marketing is a process.

Caligiuri says that there are 3 fatal marketing errors to avoid, including: failing to take it slow, neglecting your best buyers, and leading with tactics. To read about these errors and how to avoid them, check out the full article. For help effectively using marketing, contact Sagefrog Marketing Group. Visit

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