Friday, October 5, 2012

The Power of Punctuation on Social Media

Ever wonder if your punctuation on social media makes any difference in your results? It does! According to a new study by Compendium, a content marketing firm, the use of exclamation marks, question marks and hashtags can both hurt and help the performance of a LinkedIn status update or tweet.

Some of the findings include:

- Using exclamation marks resulted in 26% more clicks on
   LinkedIn but 15% fewer clicks on Twitter for B2B.
- Hashtags result in 56% more clicks on LinkedIn and 193% more
   clicks on twitter for B2B.

To learn more statistics about the power of punctuation on social media, review this infographic.

For effective social media marketing plans — and all other marketing services — contact Sagefrog Marketing Group. Visit, or call 215-230-9024.

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