Friday, November 9, 2012

Have you Thought About your 2013 Marketing Budget?

Regardless of what you spent this past year on marketing, have you thought about how to budget for 2013? The end of this year might still seem far enough away, but it turns out that most marketers have already started considering how much they plan to  allocate for marketing budgets.

According to this article, 91% of national brands anticipate they will invest more or the same amount in local marketing in 2013. Additionally, 47.3% percent of brands surveyed said they think they invest more in local marketing in 2013 than they did in 2012.

The article also says that 34% of the survey’s participants say they plan to use mobile as a major local marketing tactic in this coming year.

Have you thought about your 2013 marketing budget? It’s time to start planning. Contact Sagefrog Marketing Group. Visit or call 215-230-9024.

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