Friday, December 14, 2012

Content Marketing Inspiration for a Friday Afternoon

The key to content marketing is conveying a message correctly to the right audience through the right channel. But being able to do this isn’t always so direct and easy. Here’s a little inspiration, when it comes to content marketing, for a Friday afternoon. This article by highlights some brands that are taking content marketing to the extreme – and doing it well!
According to this article, four brands to learn from include:

·         Coca Cola – consistently voted number one brand in yearly surveys; has 56 million Facebook likes; $1.8 billion of its products consumed daily; content marketing strategy focuses on promoting all the good the brand does in the community
·         Nike – only spent 33% of advertising on traditional media and the rest on content marketing in 1996; strategy includes reaching a broader audience by embracing the greatness in individuals offering useful services like athletic training apps
·         Jamie Oliver – the chef, restaurant, author, campaigner, TV personality and publisher is a brand; content marketing strategies include upselling his book with an app, providing recipe of the day, cocktail making tips, videos, blogs and food community forums on his website
·         Innocent – started as a company making smoothies at a festival and now voted the most social brand in Britain; publish books; hosts an annual festival called Fruitstock; and the website includes videos, pictures, blogs, competitions, and customer engagement

What can we learn from these brands? The article summarizes three main things – “they all use content marketing techniques on a larger or smaller scale: blogging/videos/social media/providing tips & advice/publishing books/crowd-sourcing;” they all have “adopted a consistent vision;” and they all are having “two-way communication with customers.” For more information, view the entire article.
For content marketing, and all other marketing services, contact Sagefrog Marketing Group. Visit or call 215-230-9024.

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