Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Content Marketing is Most Effective with a Plan

We’ve shared articles and blogged about 2012’s favorite marketing phrase: CONTENT MARKETING. So, by now, it should be engrained in your marketing and social media mind that content marketing can be a very effective tactic when it comes to online marketing. And when done correctly, it can help you reach your goals – whether that be create an online presence, generate traffic to your website, or convert visitors into leads.

But without a plan, content marketing will not work. According to this article we found in accounting TODAY, one of the main reasons companies who try content marketing don’t benefit from this tactic is because they don’t have a strategy or plan behind it.

This article recommends that you ask yourself these questions when creating a content marketing plan, and when trying to implement this tactic into your overall marketing strategy:

  • ·         Who are you trying to reach?

  • ·         What will be your focus?

  • ·         Who will be responsible for creating your content?

  • ·         How often do you plan to add new content?

  • ·         In what ways will you promote it?

  • ·         Who will be responsible for managing the process and assigning tasks?

  • ·         How does your content strategy integrate with your other marketing tactics?

  • ·         How do you measure effectiveness and define success for these efforts?

To learn more, read the entire article. For help with developing and implementing a strong content marketing plan, contact Sagefrog Marketing Group. Visit or call 215-230-9024.

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