Monday, November 9, 2015

6 Ways to Boost Your Holiday Marketing Campaign

It seems like the holidays come earlier and earlier every year. Holidays can be a very profitable time, as long as you market your company’s service and product offerings correctly.
Is your company ready to take advantage of the season ahead? Consider these 6 tips to make sure your holiday marketing program doesn’t miss the boat!
  1. Target the right people. Do your homework and make sure you are reaching the right people, with the right message at the right time. While some prospects may not be ready to convert until the very last minute, there are still ways to gain their attention along the way – using social media and email. If your market research identifies high quality prospects, target them more frequently with customized promotions.
  2. Use time sensitive offers. Using messages like “Last chance!” or “Sale Ends at Midnight!” will l create a sense of urgency among your prospects. Having a limited time to act on something will often cause them to “buy now.” When there isn’t a time restriction however, prospects may put the offer in the back of their mind and ultimately forget. A time sensitive offer makes the process move swiftly.
  3. Utilize social media. Become more active on your social media accounts. Prospects will appreciate if you are able to quickly and conveniently answer their questions via your social channels. Shoppers also love giveaways and contests – tap into this movement. This type of activity will put your company on their radar, making shoppers more likely to add you to their holiday research.
  4. Analyze social media. Don’t just use social media – analyze it! Prospects often express their shopping concerns on social media, and are likely to write reviews on companies and products. Take advantage of this information. By sorting through this information you can target what your prospects want and be able to convert them into satisfied customers.
  5. Send out an email. Email Marketing has become more popular each year. With so many companies using this marketing tactic however, you must be able to differentiate yourself from competitors. An eye-catching subject line is a great way to attract the attention of a potential customer – however avoid using special characters like dollar and percentage signs, which might land your mail in a spam or junk folder. Personalizing your emails is another great way to show your dedication, and make your company stand out.
  6. Show you care. The holidays are a time of giving. Don’t let all of the chaos let you or your prospects forget that. Many people like when companies give back to their community or partner with a non-profit organization. Showing your prospects that you care by donating money or time to a cause that is important to them can drive sales even further.
Take these tips and guide your business to the next level when planning your 2015 holiday marketing program!
For holiday marketing and other integrated marketing services, please contact Sagefrog Marketing Group at 215.230.9024 or visit


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