Wednesday, July 15, 2015

5 Tips For Impactful Social Media

While social media networks were viewed as novelties a few years ago, businesses today are seeing the impact that instant communication with millions has on their marketing and PR efforts. And although engaging with your audience via social media might have gotten easier, their expectations have soared. Research shows about 25% of consumers who issue complaints on social media expect a response within the hour. Follow these tips to keep your audience engaged:

1. Timely Content
Like each social media network, your audience has peak hours. Test your posts at various times of the day to determine when your audience is most active.

2. Stay Consistent
Once you know your audience’s peak hours, stay consistent with your posting time. This allows  your audience to know when to expect content and keeps them coming back.

3. Treat your Followers like People
Don’t treat your followers like robots, numbers or potential leads. Think of them from their perspective and value their thoughts and opinions.

4. Interact with your Social Media Community for Posts
Include your audience in your social media content! Create a call-to-action with photos, comments and opinions using a specified hashtag. Let your followers feel like they are a part of you company community.

5. Make your Content Conversational
Instead of talking AT your followers, talk WITH them. Post interesting content that gets your followers talking with your company and to each other.

For social media marketing or other full integrated marketing services, please contact Sagefrog Marketing Group at 215-230-9024 or visit

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