Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Why These 6 Beverage Brands Failed

Virgin Vodka, Zima, Animée, Budweiser BE, Aftershock Thermal Bite, Qream Liqueur
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Branding is one of the most significant parts of a business. It differentiates a business from their competition and let’s the customer know what to aspect from the product or service. Unfortunately when a brand strategy isn’t well thought out, a business’ success is susceptible to failure.

Sagefrog Marketing Group took a look at these six failed beverage brands and discovered that when it comes to failed products and services, it often comes down to failed brand strategy. Below are a few aspects of brand strategy that made these promising products flop:

1. Not performing enough research and discovery: A competitor and best practices review along with interviews from customers, employees, and business partners can allow a new business to strategically set their products or services apart from the competition.
2. Targeting the wrong audience: If a business identifies the wrong target audience this can result in their entire core messaging being off.
3. Using the wrong tone of voice: A company’s tone of voice and brand personalty directly reflects their brand’s mission, vision and values; serving as the brand’s essence and guiding principles. Choosing the wrong tone of voice often leads to customers not being able to identify with a business’ product or service.
4. Choosing the wrong color palate, logo or typefaces: When a business chooses the wrong visual communication, they risk not being appealing to their targeted audience. Often resulting in an off putting brand identity.
Even though a business may have a quality product, these six failed brands are an example of how crucial it is to have a strategic brand strategy in place that is both researched and cohesive in all marketing materials produced thereafter.

To Download Sagefrog Marketing Group’s list of The Top 50 Most Trusted Brands click Here.

For branding and other integrated marketing services, please contact Sagefrog Marketing Group at 215.230.9024 or visit

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